The Spoons Want to Cuddle and the Forks Want to Fuck – The Desires of Everyday Objects

“Do you know those spoons in your kitchen? Every time you slide open the cutlery drawer, they are getting turned on as they bump and rub against each other. I propose desire is not exclusively for the living. When considering Descartes’ compelling statement “I think therefor I am”, my honours year artwork The Spoons Want to Cuddle and the Forks Want to Fuck: The Desires of Everyday Objects extrapolates on this assertion by omitting the thinking component. Rather, my work proposes “I am therefor I desire”. Even without scientific theories of vibrations, attractions and molecular interactions, in the logic of my artwork, the existence of desirous cutlery is possible. I am evolving my objects to become subjects and gifting them with emotional agency.”

Excerpt from final exegesis, with work exhibited at Sydney College of the Arts Honours Graduation Exhibition 2019.

The Spoons Want to Cuddle and the Forks Want to Fuck – The Desires of Everyday Objects, 2019. 5 min 2-channel video. Note: This is a low-res version. Contact for more information.


Installation view of Arduino spoons forks, SCA Galleries, Sydney University. 2019.